Photo of Robert Uram

Robert J. Uram retired as partner and became Of Counsel in 2017 in the Real Estate, Energy, Land Use & Environmental Practice Group and the Food and Beverage Team in the firm's San Francisco office.

Proposition 37, the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act (“Prop 37”), if approved by the voters on November 6, 2012, will provide that food offered for retail sale in California produced with genetic engineering (“GMO food”) is misbranded unless clearly labeled to say it is genetically engineered. Prop 37 also provides that GMO “processed food” may not on its label, store signage, advertising or promotional materials state or imply that the food is “natural” or words of similar import.

Ballot materials prepared by the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) state that Prop 37 could be interpreted to mean “processed food” is subject to the prohibition against “natural” labels, even if it is not produced with genetic engineering. In our view, this is not the correct interpretation of Prop. 37.Continue Reading Proposition 37 Permits “Natural” Labeling for Non-GMO Processed Food